
Products from Zasavica – from mangalitsa and horse meat

Zasavica reserve is located in Macva, in the municipalities of Sremska Mitrovica and Bogatic. It is home to hundreds of birds, animals and fish. The flora and fauna are completely preserved because Zasavica is placed under state protection as a natural asset of the first category of exceptional importance.

Except magnificent nature, Zasavica is widely known for its production of high-quality meat. You can find part of their assortment in our markets.

Products from mangalitsa

Mangalitsa is a trademark of Zasavica. You can find sausages, bacon, ham and lard from that old local breed of pig in Super Vero. Mangalitsa is very resistant to all kinds of infectious diseases and capable of surviving in extreme natural conditions. This is reflected in the meat and products obtained from it. Scientific researches have found that mangalitsa meat contains as much as 75% less harmful cholesterol, and that its fat contains 8-10% more unsaturated fatty acids than modern lard.

First-class mangalitsa meat sausage is a meat product obtained by filling natural intestines with minced meat and bacon.

Bacon as a special product is first kept for some time in salt or brine to stand, and only then dried. It does not contain harmful ingredients.

Mangalitsa ham is made from the leg of a mature pig. It is then processed, salted and dried.

Mangalitsa fat is one of the healthiest bases for food preparation. Due to the ingredients it contains, it gives dishes a special taste.

Products from horse meat

In addition to mangalitsa products, we also purchase homemade dry kulen from pure horse meat from Zasavica. It is made from a domestic mountain horse. It is 100% natural and produced according to a traditional recipe without preservatives, nitrite salts, artificial colours and flavours.


Visit us in one of our markets and try products from Zasavica.


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