Dear consumers,
We inform you that in the coming period, an annual inventory will be organized in our markets.
On the day of the inventory, markets will not be open according to the following schedule:
Vero 1 (Milutina Milankovića 86a) November 1, 2022.
Vero 2 (Mis Irbijeve bb) October 25, 2022.
Vero 3 (Nikodima Milaša 2) November 2, 2022
Vero 4 (Ace Joksimovića 2b) November 3, 2022.
Vero 5 (Vojvode Stepe 253) October 24, 2022
Vero 6 (Braće Jerkovića 114) October 26, 2022.
On the day when one market is closed, all other facilities will operate as usual.
Thank you for your understanding.